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BombSquad / feature-suggestions / Got myself funny ideas for the bomb game
βœŸπ–²π–Ίπ—†Ν₯π—†Ν£π—’Ν«βœŸ 12/19/2023 5:02 PM
So, my ideas are kinda simple 1st: Online campaign You can't always handle the bots, specially for hard achievements like any beating runarounds or getting 1000 points in the final stand, and not always you have a familiar or a friend that can go to your location and play Bombsquad campaign with you, right? So my idea is making the campaign not only lan, also online, all of this by a system of codes that works same as private servers, also adding this like an appart public server function that only starts the game when a determinaded number of players joins, this number can be modified by a normal ffa servers system, this works by a system that depends on what filters you put, if its runaround or oustlaugh, 2 players or even 4, Easy or hard mode, etc.. 2nd: Special skins that can be obtained only by achievements Sometimes we can't play Bombsquad with a good regularity to have always 25 tickets by the daily session, or maybe we are tired from the same skins, similar as new characters ideas, now its only a version of a character getting by hard achievements, like having an impecable futbol or doing determknated actions, ideas like: A gentleman Spaz: Besides the normal helmet and suit, Spaz now haves a smoking and a big top hat Teddy bear: Bernard will look more like a teddy bear than a normal anthropomorphic bear (Still anthro but now like a plushie, like black dot eyes like Alibaba or a bowtie like pascal) The death: Bones will look like the death, having the same clothes (Like grumbledorf clothes) This is really long, right?
Deleted User 12/19/2023 5:05 PM
online campaign was always a thing
5:06 PM
+ some stuff here makes me want to tell you to read the roadmap (God why people can't readmap pepesad )
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